Saturday, July 18, 2009

At the beach

On our vacation, we were close to a little stretch of beach. Natalie really enjoyed it!
By the way, does anyone see parenting mistake #1 in this picture:
Yay - sand and water! This is great!
Of course, the mistake is that Natalie is still in her regular clothes. We quickly corrected that, because you really need to be in your swimsuit to be able to do this:

Washing hands!

And this: Building a sandcastle!

And this: Splash, splash!

And that evening, we had dinner at an outdoor restaurant right by the water. The weather was beautiful! Natalie even got her own "kiddie-cocktail":

1 comment:

Cate said...

It looks like you're having a great vacation! If you like the beach, you should come down to North Carolina sometime! :-)