We had so much fun trick or treating yesterday! We started right at 4PM, and Natalie kept going until it was almost 7PM! By then she was so tired that she could barely walk, but she still wanted to go to just one more house...
Most of my pictures from yesterday look like this, though:
Natalie going full speed ahead, just enjoying it and having fun.
Most of the time, she walked around at her own pace, just looking at all the decorations and the other kids' costumes. I think she enjoyed the whole experience as much as the candy. And she was really good at saying trick-or-treat at all the houses, and she always remembered (with just a little coaching) to say thank you.
I did get a little video of her sitting in the wagon, after we had gone to the end of one street and were heading back to the car to go to another neighborhood:
As for the candy, well, her Elmo bucket got really, really full, and quite heavy. After she got to bed, we sorted the candy a little. Here's what she got - or rather what she brought home, as she ate quite a bit while we were out and about, too:
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