Saturday, December 21, 2013

Flipping crepes

Natalie and Karsten were making crepes. Natalie was very fascinated with how Karsten could flip them in the air. So, of course she wanted to learn, too! I had a blast watching them and trying to take their picture. Here is one that turned out pretty nice:

Getting ready for the flip...
But some of the other pictures ended up being really funny:
The crepe-hat!
The crepe-face!
Natalie is a fast learner, and she actually got pretty good at it. Just take a look for yourself:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nej hvor godt.
Det var da også utroligt, som det
lige kunne passe i pandekagefaldet
som en hat til Karsten og maske til
Natalie. Da har du Karen været ret
hurtig på aftrækkeren.
Kom sådan til at grine - var bare
så morsomt.
Godt klaret Natalie. Anni.