Today, we had an easter egg hunt right in our back yard! Natalie was soo excited about it! It was very, very windy, though, but that didn't stop us from having fun...
She thought this one was really funny, with the stick sticking out of it:
Lookit, there's a stick coming out of this egg!
I love this "action shot", with Natalie running around next to the tree that's actually smaller than her:
No time to waste!
And she didn't miss any spots:
Maybe there's an egg under this tree?
Natalie was such a sweetheart, sharing her eggs with Daddy and making sure he had one of each color:
Here, Daddy, you can have the pink one...
Another "action shot":
Run for it!
I love this "action shot", with Natalie running around next to the tree that's actually smaller than her:
And she didn't miss any spots:
Natalie was such a sweetheart, sharing her eggs with Daddy and making sure he had one of each color:
Another "action shot":
Since it was so windy, we decided to wait until we got back inside to open up the eggs.
I must admit, I had so much fun planning this out for Natalie. On Friday, I went to the local party outlet store to pick up little things that would fit into the eggs, like stickers, little bracelets, a small stamper, etc.
Now, of course, I counted the eggs before I hid them (during naptime). I counted them twice and came up with twentyfour eggs both times. And, of course, we only found twentythree... I must confess, I can't remember where the last one is hidden, or what was in it. So I guess there's three possibilities: I counted wrong, one blew away in the wind, or we'll find the last egg sometime later this summer...
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