Sunday, January 31, 2010
Final Christmas picture of the season
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Painted finger(nail)s!
Monday, January 11, 2010
Best of 2009
Trying on a pretty dress.
First sunglasses. March.
Eating oats. April.
Easter egg hunt in the back yard. May.
At the zoo.
"Driving" Mommy's prize car.
Just hanging out...
At the beach.
At the park.
Friday, January 8, 2010
Edible snowmen
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Natalie, the photographer
But what amazed me most was how beautiful some of the pictures really were, like this close-up of our Christmas tree:
A few days later, we let her brint it outside while we were walking from our car to the museum. Some of those pictures were almost postcard-worthy:
City streets, seen from Natalie's perspective.
And here's one more I just had to add, because I really like the mood it's portraying:
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
A day at the museum
Maybe it should be "three geeks" instead of "two geeks and a girl..."
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Monday, January 4, 2010
Christmas day
Just exploring...
Later, after the girls got in their jammies, they got to play a new game that Aubriella had gotten for Christmas - go fish! It was a little difficult for Natalie at first, but she soon caught on.
It was wonderful to see Natalie play around and have so much fun, and it was great for all of us to see our friends again!
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Christmas Morning
Then, Natalie and Daddy made breakfast together. They made "Daddy-cakes", which is "klatkager". If you speak Danish, you'll know what that is, if not, well... To long of an explanation to post here!
Then Natalie discovered that Santa had also filled her Christmas stocking with goodies:
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Christmas Eve
While Natalie was watching the movie, I cleaned up a little after dinner, and Karsten put the presents under the tree. When Natalie came in and saw all the presents her eyes lit up like the lights on the Christmas tree!
We followed our traditions and walked around the Christmas tree and sang Christmas songs. I had printed the lyrics, so we all had a copy, and Natalie "read" along and sang along happily, even to the Danish songs that she doesn't really know or understand. She really enjoyed that part.
Then we unwrapped presents. It took us a couple of hours to open them all, one at a time. Natalie was so good, taking her time and really enjoying the process. We made sure she said thank you for the presents, even if the gift giver wasn't here. I got a little video of her unwrapping, (the video is a little long and probably a little boring to anyone who isn't a close relative... Don't say I didn't warn you...)
After we finished all the unwrapping, we had our special Christmas desert called ris a-la-mande. And per tradition, someone had to find a whole almond in the rice-almond-cream-pudding-like-desert, and of course that someone was Natalie. She got an ornament with Tinkerbell on it as the present for winning the little game. And the ornament had Tinkerbell candy inside. She was very happy with that.
And of course, we had to sprinkle the reindeer food on the front lawn that she had made at the daycare party. It was made of oatmeal and sparkles. The glitter from the sparkles in the moonlight and the smell of the oats were to make sure Santa's reindeer would remember to come to our house. A little magic at Christmas time couldn't hurt, right?!?
Natalie went to bed very tired and very happy on Christmas Eve. It was wonderful to experience it all with her. Seing the joy in her eyes was the best present I could ever have gotten this year!