After grocery shopping, the freezer is sometimes rather full, and there is a certain avalance danger for anyone brave enough to actually open the door. If Karsten opens the freezer door and something falls out, he'll say that the freezer was "Mommy-stacked" (that is, unless whatever comes out lands on his foot - if it does, he might use slightly different verbage...)
Anyway, last night I came across Natalies latest experiment. I'm proud to announce that the gene has been passed on to the next generation:
Hahahaha - I luv it! My claim to fame is stacking HUGE amounts of dishes because I will wash them, but I absolutely refuse to dry them. :-)
Great name for the blog too! I want to come play with Natalie and all her toys again soon - keep in touch guys! -K&T
Hi Karen! of course I remember you - and I see you've started your own blog!
your daughter is beautiful!!! How old is she!?
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