On the last day of camping, we had to pack up the cars again. This gave the girls another chance to do some gymnastics outside while us grown-ups were packing and cleaning inside:
The balance beam! |
Brayden loved stealing Karsten's cap. |
Of course, we had to have our traditional picture with all three kids. It only took about thirty pictures to get one where they were all looking at the camera and looking reasonably happy:
Cheese! |
After checking out, we stopped by the Bears cottage again. We had some arwork to drop off:
Mail for the Bears. |
Then we went back to the mini golf course:
Hole in one many, many tries. |
On the way home, we stopped for lunch at a gas station / Subway. After a healthier lunch, it was time for a dessert for Natalie:
That's a big donut - with multi-colored sprinkles, of course. |
When we got home, Natalie was happy to clean up a bunch of rocks while I unpacked. I think the idea for this came from the rocks we had been looking at at the campground:
So focussed... |
Ready for drying and organizing. |