Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Waiting patiently

One of Natalie's favorite things to do is to bake - cake, bread, cookies, you name it. This picture is from a weekend or two ago. Natalie was curious to see what happened to the cake once it was in the oven:

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Portraits on the run

This weekend, I tried to capture a portrait of Natalie. Natalie doesn't stand still for very long, so it was a bit of a challenge. Most of the pictures turned out like this one:
Then, there was this one where she is actually saying "Cheese" - or maybe she's practicing for Halloween...

But finally, with a little cropping, I got this one. It may be a little grainy, and I'm sure the lighting isn't quite the way it should be, but there is something about this picture that is just right.

This is Natalie.

Laundry naptime

Some time ago, Natalie was helping me with the laundry. Then, she found out that the laundry basket was the perfect place for a little nap:
Aahh, the smell of newly washed blankies...
Shhh, I'm sleeping!

This is comfortable!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Some assembly required

Last weekend, Karsten took on a new project - building a play-kitchen for Natalie. The box said some assembly required...

Natalie supervised the project

Technically, this is the end result

But to me, this is the real end result!

I should mention that we had read reviews online and we knew about the assembly required before we bought the thing. And it was totally worth the effort!

Run, run, splash, splash

On Thursday, we pretty much had rain all day, except for a little break in the evening. So after dinner, we put on our rainboots and found the biggest puddle in the driveway. At first, Natalie was puzzled - she found out that her boots got all wet:
But she soon got the hang of it and was very enthusiastic:
It was a great night. Just look at that smile at the end of this one:

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Sweet cupcakes - part two

This weekend, Natalie and I made cupcakes - complete with sprinkles on top: